Saturday, April 21, 2007

Sweet Summer Letterbox

This popular park is a beautiful spot to play in the summer. We spent lots of time here as it used to be literally out our back door. We enjoyed watching many baseball games and played our fair share of frisbee and football here. It also provided lots of room for a couple of our kiddos to practice their brand new bike riding skills, but our favorite thing to do here is grab a bucket and head for the blackberry patches on the eastern side of the park. We spent lots of warm summer evenings with berry juice dripping down our chins and sore, briar-pricked fingers...but we had blackberry pies and cobblers and berries to sprinkle on our hand cranked vanilla ice cream or over our pancakes to savor! We have long since moved from that house, but we still love to visit this little park.
To the box:
This box is hidden in Guy Lee Park in Springfield. This 8 acre gem can be found at 890 Darlene Avenue. From the Guy Lee Park sign take the paved path to the left that goes by the school playground (also a very fun place to be). Pass the visitor's bench and head around to the home team's bench. There is a water fountain near the end of here. Skipping the bushes behind the home team's bleachers (because everyone there also enjoys a blackberry or two and those bushes are usually less bountiful to choose from), follow the park boundary S.E. toward another patch. In baseball season your next destination is marked at 271 ft. but just in case it isn't, you can find it if you find the two trees that are different than the rest. From the 2nd such ree, take about 15 kid-sized steps toward the berry bushes and search in the tall grass at your feet.

*first finder will get my favorite blackberry recipe!*